Kerry feliciteert Nederland met „Oranjegekte”
WASHINGTON (ANP). John Kerry heeft het Nederlandse volk alvast gefeliciteerd met de komende Koningsdag. De Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken deed dat namens president Barack Obama en het Amerikaanse volk, valt te lezen in een verklaring van zijn departement.
Volgens Kerry heeft Nederland veel te vieren op deze dag van „orange madness” (Oranjegekte).
In de verklaring staat ook dat hij uitkijkt naar het bezoek dat koning Willem-Alexander en koningin Máxima in juni aan de Verenigde Staten brengen.
On the Occasion of Koningsdag in the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of the Netherlands as you celebrate Koningsdag on April 27.
The United States and the Netherlands share a deep friendship, rooted in our commitment to democracy and rule of law. Our partnership dates back as far as the first intrepid Dutch explorers who navigated the shores of the New World and established New Amsterdam, where New York City stands today.
This year also marks the 70th anniversary of your liberation during World War II. The United States and the Netherlands have deepened our friendship in the seven decades since. To this day, we work hand in hand for the cause of peace, prosperity, and freedom in Europe and throughout the world. I felt the warm embrace of your countrymen when I visited The Hague last year.
I also look forward to His Majesty King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima’s visit to the United States in June. His Majesty is a voice of clarity and conviction on environmental issues like water security. If we are to successfully reach an international agreement on climate change in Paris this December, we will need his continued engagement—and your entire nation’s support.
The Dutch people have much to celebrate on this day of “orange madness.” I wish you peace and prosperity in the year ahead.