Corona leads to drop in std's in Norway

The corona year has led to a drop in sexually transmitted diseases (std’s) in Norway.
3 June 2021 14:11
Handling an HIV test in the lab. Photo AFP, Sajjad Hussain
Handling an HIV test in the lab. Photo AFP, Sajjad Hussain

This reports the Danish Kristeligt Dagblad referring to the annual report from the Norwegian health board.

The number of gonorrhoea cases was 1,045 in 2020, while there were 1,704 cases in 2019. That is a decrease of almost 40 per cent.

The number of chlamydia is smaller, just 11 per cent, compared to 2019, but still significant.

The National Institute of Public Health speaker explains the decrease mainly from “the corona measures with travel restrictions, physical distance and closure of nightlife”, writes Kristeligt Dagblad.

The number of registered HIV-infected people was 137 last year, also a decrease of about 20 per cent compared to 172 cases in 2019.
Norway publishes the number of sexually transmitted diseases annually. in uw mailbox?

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